Dorothy the Dinosaur
Captain Feathersword Brings Some Vegetables
Season 1, Episode 17
Kids and Family, TV-G
TV-G. Captain Feathersword has done some vegetable shopping for Dorothy and he needs a cup of rosy tea! After Dominic and the Rosy Orchestra arrive, Dorothy and Captain Feathersword wonder if they know any songs about vegetables.
Up Next in Dorothy the Dinosaur - Season 1
Making Potpourri and Skipping
TV-G. Here come the fairies! They drink some rosy tea then help Dorothy make potpourri from rose petals. Dominic and the Rosy Orchestra arrive and play "Marie's Wedding" while Dorothy and the fairies dance and skip.
Plants Need Sun
TV-G. Wags the Dog loves a mug of rosy tea! He also likes to help Dorothy in her garden. Dorothy and Wags remember that plants need sun to grow healthily. After Dominic and the Rosy Orchestra appear, they sing and dance to "Dance a Cachuca."
Henry and the Pearl Shell
TV-G. Dorothy has found a pearl shell, but who owns it? Henry says it is fine to keep it, so Dorothy adds it to her ornaments. After drinking rosy tea, the two friends go into the garden.