

3 Seasons

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An episodic faith-based crime-drama series that follows the small-town investigative work of Detective Travis, a 15 year veteran out of East Bank, Texas. While each new case brings twists and turns, the arrival of his long estranged daughter, and the resulting tensions with his wife, lead Detective Travis's 16th year on the force to be the most life altering of his career.

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  • Precincts and Prisoners

    TV-PG-D. Gary and Becky Travis adapt to new chapters in life amidst an investigation into mysterious activity on a single mother's property.

  • Turmoil

    TV-PG-V. Sgt. Travis struggles to manage Precinct Two while a surprising romantic relationship springs to life in Precinct One.

  • Suspicion Comes Home

    Episode 3

    TV-PG-D. Kris investigates an assault case where she may know the suspect personally. Travis works to retool his Precinct Two roster.

  • Perspectives

    TV-PG-V. A veteran with known racial prejudices reports a stolen tractor and lands Travis in a difficult spot. Doris makes a request of Becky.

  • Game of Life

    TV-PG. Competitive tensions between Precinct One and Precinct Two reach a fervor at a community fundraiser event.

  • The Facade

    Episode 6

    TV-PG-DS. The questionable behavior of an eccentric photographer in East Bank reunites Sgt. Travis and Kris for an investigation.

  • Be a Man

    TV-PG-DV. A weekend hunting trip by the men's group reveals a flurry of unexpected family instabilities, both past and present.

  • When It Stings

    TV-PG-S. Motives are in question as Precinct One and Precinct Two stage dueling sting operations that produce vastly different outcomes.

  • Fallout

    TV-14. Surprising arrests in East Bank trigger devastating consequences for members of the police force and the families of those arrested.

  • The Chief

    TV-PG-DV. Tomlinson and Travis battle for the chief position as Kris seeks to avenge a personal tragedy.