

3 Seasons

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An episodic faith-based crime-drama series that follows the small-town investigative work of Detective Travis, a 15 year veteran out of East Bank, Texas. While each new case brings twists and turns, the arrival of his long estranged daughter, and the resulting tensions with his wife, lead Detective Travis's 16th year on the force to be the most life altering of his career.

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  • Manhunt

    TV-PG-DV. A murder in East Bank forces Sergeant Travis to balance duty and his personal feelings.

  • Those Who Lost the Most

    TV-14. Tre interrogates the victim's family while Travis seeks to avoid a barrage of attacks.

  • Home and Away

    TV-PG-L. Becky battles a personal struggle while Gary is away. Tre follows a lead in Dallas.

  • Under the Wing

    TV-PG-V. Doris tries to help the Travis family as Tre searches for answers outside of Texas.

  • The Strategy in Reunion

    Episode 5

    TV-PG-DS. Truths are revealed and new alliances are formed to take down the corruption in East Bank.

  • The Call

    TV-14. A plan is hatched to catch Chief Tomlinson while Tre conducts his own separate investigation.

  • The Rodeo

    TV-PG-DV. With the rodeo in town, Gary Travis leads a new attempt to unmask the criminals and serve justice.

  • Across the Line

    TV-PG-DLV. An unexpected informant offers to help Gary Travis finally pin down the murderer.